02890 664 505
Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
(Fri/Sat 10pm-2:30am,
2pm - 6pm Mon - Fri):
07901 505 505
The Covid-19 (coronavirus) situation has rapidly changed the way we live and in response to the need for social distancing many organisations have transferred their services for vulnerable people online. Telephone helplines also remain available for mental health, abuse and other support services.
Click here for up to date Covid-19 guidance from the NI Public Health Agency.
Advice NI Coronovirus Community Helpline - 0808 802 0020
covid19@adviceni.net or text ACTION to 81025
If you need help, one of the following organisations might be able to support you, click a title below for a list of related organisations.
Addiction, Gambling and Substance Use
Alcoholics Anonymous Directory of Online Support Groups
Alcohol Change UK: Coronavirus information help and advice
BHSCT Drug Out Reach Team - 02895 041 433 /02895 043 866
Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Self referral - harm reduction and support into recovery treatments for injecting and class A drug users.
Dunlewey Addiction Services - 028 9504 1433
Intervention and support service for adults for drug and alcohol/gambling addictions, takes self-referrals.
Gambling Addiction Helpline (Dunlewey) - 0800 0886 725 Available Monday - Sunday 9am - 11pm
Extern Street Injection Support Services -0800 0858 426
Monday - Friday 9am - 9pm
Friday and Saturday 9am - 5pm
Safe collection and disposal of needles, harm reduction and support for injecting drug users.
Frank - 0300 1236 600
Confidential advice on drugs and substance use.
028 9024 9185
Provides support through online and in person meetings.
Addiction NI - Call 02890 328 474
Counselling, group and peer mentoring
Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Advice for Families
Family Planning Association - 0345 1228 687
Call for advice on sexual health, pregnancy, STIs.
Bereavement and Child Death
Cruse Bereavement Care - Office Number 028 9043 4600
Helpline - 0808 808 1677
Child Death Helpline - Free for mobiles - 0808 8006 019
Miscarriage Association - 019 2420 0799
NI Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (SANDS)
077 4099 3450
Child Protection
Childline - 0800 1111
7.30am - 3.30am Monday - Sunday
1-2-1 Counsellor helpline, support for many topics including bullying, family and home life, relationships
NSPCC - 0808 800 5000
Monday to Friday 8am – 10pm and 9am – 6pm at the weekend
Support and advice on safeguarding and child protection, reporting issues, web support for teenagers.
Domestic and Sexual Abuse
NEXUS Domestic & Sexual Abuse Helpline - 0808 802 1414
24 Hour, 7 Days a Week
Women's Aid - Click the link for safety advice for survivors.
Northern Ireland local WA groups can still be contacted for support click here for directory
Historical Institutional Abuse Helpline - Advice NI
02890 645919 or email hia@adviceni.net
Financial/Debt Advice
Advice NI - 028 9064 4919
Citizens Advice Bureau - 0300 123 3233
Confidential free advice, debt counselling services, advice on representation at tribunals.
Step Change - 0800 138 1111
Online, free and confidential debt advice.
Homeless Support
Northern Ireland Housing Executive (8:30am - 5:00pm Monday to Friday) - 03448 920 900
Out of hours helpline - 03448 920 908
For clients with hearing difficulties there is the next generation text service - 18001 03448 920908
Simon Community - 0800 171 2222
Homeless and housing support for families and individuals who are at risk of becoming homeless.
Welcome's Outreach Team - 078 94931047
Available from 8am - 2am Monday - Sunday.
LGBT Community Support
Rainbow Project - info@rainbow-project.org / 028 9031 9030, or via social media.
If you reach voicemail leave a message and someone will get back to you.
Counselling services and advice for LGBT clients for issues including family support, sexual health, mental health and wellbeing.
Cara-Friend - 028 9089 0202 / youthsupport@cara-friend.org.uk
Cara-Friend supports people aged 12 - 25 identifying as LGBTQ+ and who question their sexual orientation or gender identity through youth groups, one-to-ones and family support.
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
Aware Defeat Depression - info@aware-ni.org
Online support group available
Lifeline - 0808 8088 000
Available 24/7
Deaf or those hard of hearing using textphone services can call: 18001 0808 808 8000
Lighthouse - 028 9075 5070
Offers support and help for people affected by suicide or self-harm and supports bereaved families with therapeutic and counselling services.
Samaritans - 116 123
Available 24/7
PIPS Charity - 028 9080 5850
Available by phone Monday - Friday can arrange telephone/video link counselling sessions
Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Northern Ireland New Entrant Service (NINES) - 028 9504 2830
Nurse-led service for new immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees entering Northern Ireland.
Sexual Assault
The Rowan Sexual Assault Referral Centre - 0800 3894 424
Available 24/7 - Call ahead to make an appointment
Student Support
Inspire Well-being Mental Health Support
Telephone counselling support for students:
0808 8000 032
24/7 Student Counselling Service
Available 24/7
Queens University Student Wellbeing Centre
073 8754 6123
Monday - Friday 11am - 3pm
University of Ulster Student Well Being Centre​
028 9536 7000
Monday - Thursday 08:45 - 17:00, Friday 08:45 - 16:00
Belfast Metropolitan College Support for Students
0808 800 0032
24/7 Student Counselling Service
Belfast Metropolitan College Student Wellbeing Centre
028 9026 5108
For advice and support for issues including personal, health, financial
The Mix - 0808 8084 994 available Sunday - Friday 2pm-11pm
THEMIX to 85258 for 24/7 crisis messenger text service
Mental health, risk of homeless, relationship and susbstance use help for under 25s.